LITTLE WOMEN (re-reading) by alcott
CAT'S CRADLE by vonnegut
PLAYER PIANO (in beginning-middle) by the same
excerpts from a book about/possibly titled POETRY edited by helen vendler
TUESDAYS WITH MORRIE by someone i can't remember
PALE FIRE by nabokov
SANDMAN v. 10 by gaiman
BUFFY seasons 4 and 5. have begun season 6.
PALE FIRE is gorgeous and fun. writers who consciously play with language and sound are the best. i need more nabokov and am on an intravenous diet of vonnegut. there are sections of PALE FIRE i'd like to write on the walls of my home.
went to a meeting at skool today to decide how and when to hold an academic conference with my peers at TU. our theme will be illegitimacy. anyone want to be a guest speaker? there will be a registration fee and lots of drinking.