plain jane lives here now.
and drowsy.
Published on October 24, 2004 By plainjane In Misc
not really. it's just that i had that song stuck in my head today while walking around a pond looking at geese and spiderwebs. yes, the pond was looking at geese and spiderwebs.

researching ph.d pogroms with rhetoric and composition concentrations. fascinating: a combination of linguistics, literature, pedagogy, sociology, and psychology. this is what i should be doing.

in the middle of reading AMERICAN SPLENDOR and still in the middle of ORPHEUS EMERGED. finished ALIAS GRACE and WATCHMEN and am up to SANDMAN #8. can't wait to watch the AS movie again. the whole project is so meta. meta meta meta. a movie about making a movie about a comic about making a comic of a guy's life. a scintillating group of creations about a very boring subject. one man who writes articles and has met some famous people and is a jazz fanatic and has had some relationships and has had cancer and still works as a clerk and lives frugally etc. paul giamatti walking around in a hoodie, sneering and thinking. there were multiple versions of pekar: the various animated drawings of him, donal logue, paul giamatti, and the actual harvey. same with his wife. except i don't think there were animated drawings of her; however, there were two actresses playing her and then there was her actual self.

tip for later: refrain from using the word "scintillating."

the fiction project i mentioned earlier has of course not come to fruition. but it was fun to think about.


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